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Supercharging your productivity by preloading your model

 |  30 July 2024


At Forbury we’re always looking for ways to boost your efficiency and bring you powerful new functionalities. In July 2024 we introduced a new way to set up your model with pre-populated information based on key information that is input before you download.  

As this functionality applies to some of our products differently, we wanted to provide an explanation of how this will work for each product.

Preconfigure your models in Forbury Commercial & Forbury Retail

You've been able to preconfigure your model with your preferred House View from the Portal for a while, and now we've expanded the options to speed up your workflow even more.

APAC address preload

Along with your preferred House View, you can now set-up your model with other key information such as address, property name, status, asset class, and your preferred Custom Sheets Preset*.  This personalised configuration capability is for all Forbury users, and will not affect any other users settings.

Entering the details before downloading is optional, but if completed can streamline and speed up your process. 

Properties Page APAC

Your model will download pre-populated with the relevant data and sheets ready for enriching your model with tenancy and other detailed inputs.

You’ll also be able to view your properties (as based on the most recent model of that address) and view them via the Properties map. This is colour-coded by status (Held, Acquisition or Disposed assets).

* Custom Sheets Presets are only available to customers who have 'Forbury Custom' as an add-on product for Forbury Commercial or Forbury Retail.

APAC: Datum Single Asset (APAC)

This functionality is not yet available for Datum Single Asset (APAC).

Looking forward

We anticipate this change will also bring benefits in future as more and more models have these attributes attached where you may be able to leverage your models for further high-level metrics, portfolio performance and more.


Interested in seeing how Forbury could benefit your business?

Get in touch with your Forbury support team if you’d like a hand with the new features, or book a demo if you're interested in using Forbury.



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